- Challenges
- Solution
We propose novel digital applications to capture data and generate documents currently absent in TRACES but deemed essential for future use. This entails exploring automation options in pig, poultry, and beef cattle, such as eliminating duplicate data entries, integrating GPS-based location tracking, and implementing digital transport logs. This will be achieved through comprehensive desk studies and expert panels involving public and private stakeholders.
- Outcomes
The envisioned outcome is a concept for automated data management for animal and product movements, alleviating administrative burden on stakeholders, enhancing the control of animal welfare and environmental impacts associated with intra-EU transportation and tracking of each carcass. The solution fosters transparency and communication among producers, processors, and consumers, and ultimately empowers TRACES with enhanced functionalities.
- Replicability
The proposed solution has the potential for EU-wide scalability within the TRACES system, applicability across various species. Potential applications include using the solution also in product labelling initiatives.